Friday, December 19, 2008

...I got my computer back, but not

Last week my computer grinded to a halt. Diagnosis:Virus' to the nth. Which sucks because the only thing I do is read blogs and play flood-it. Anyhoo, got it back, but now my power supply is bendy wendy. So mobile blogging it is.

I've been able to do limited stalking on my phone, but the experience is not the same. Oh well. You've missed a lot of fun on this end. Big Girl dyed the bathroom, I mean her hair Cherry Bomb. The trips had this fight....
A..."you're a butt"
B..."I'm not a butt, you're a butt"
Repeat ad naseum.
A..."if you call me a butt, I'm going to call you a butt"
B..."ooh i'm so scared that you're going to call me a butt cuz you're a butt."
A..."oh yeah butt"
B..."maaaaaaawwwwwwwm" insert inconsolable crying, "A called me a butt."
Again, repeat ad naseum.

Felpsy is cast free. We went in for a checkup, doc asked who did such a horrible job, I told him Bob put it on but Felpsy had done his best to destroy it. Anyway, we left without it.

Another interesting note, Felpsy developed Tourette's for a few days after watching the Hallmark movie of the season. The one correct thing he learned is that it is uncontrollable and incurable. That would be fine, if he actually had it. Luckily, he's forgotten it.

We have about 40 minutes left of freedom, then we're on break for EVER, still haven't found a "Wow" gift for Felpsy. He wanted movies, I'm afraid that not having a toy may be a problem. But am sticking to the three gift thing. Which means we're set for a birthday present for Princess.

Booger has developed an affinity for smelling things. One shouldn't have to say "stop sniffing me" more than once a day, but as it turns out one actually does.

We've got a church thing tonight. I overheard hubby on the phone with bff earlier discussing the wardrobe. I suppose that's good, just odd. And in case you're wondering, it's shorts and flip flops for at least us three. Yes, Christmas is less than a week away, got to love south Texas.

Therapist came by today for Felpsy, decided after nine weeks that she cannot therapize only one so we're, from here on out, doing 90 minute family sessions. I actually got the kitchen cleaned while she was here today, with 90 minute sessions i'll be able to clean the bathrooms as well, so exciting.

Our Annual Christmas Eve Eve dinner is coming, it's the most wonderful time of the year. I have 34 confirmed at this point, which means anywhere from 17 to 51 will show, hoping the weather is nice enough to throw some kids outside, even if we'd not converted our formal dining room into a bedroom, we don't have that kind of room.

I will share more after I get adequate computing capabilities (spell check) back. If I don't chat with you before have a very blessed Christmas.

1 comment:

RRigdon said...

Booger sniffs!!!! ahahahahahahahaha!!

all i do is read blogs, too. (wink, wink)

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Cast of Characters

  • BOB - Born of the body children
  • BOTH - Born of the heart children
  • Roran aka Big Girl - 18 year old BOB daughter - recently booted from the nest
  • Big Boy - 15 year old BOB son
  • Radical - 9 year old BOB son who fyi is not RAD
  • Felpsy aka lil middle - 4 year old BOTH boy who is RAD and is the cumin in our soup
  • Booger - 4 year old BOTH boy, sib to Felpsy, Twin to....
  • Princess - 4 year old BOTH girl. Diva,