Wednesday, February 11, 2009

...I wanted to warn you

I was listening to the Doomsday Radio Network on the way to/from school this morning. Apparently the sky is falling and there is a palpable fear permeating this nation. The government is going to let us die of old age and it's going to cost thrice as much to buy bread next year. I thought you should know.

I also thought you should know that Big Boy passed all his Driver's Ed stuff, so watch out.

I don't know how to refer to people I "know" but have never met, but my "friend" on the internet is having three kids today, and based on the size of their shoes, she's going to have her hands full for a couple of days. She is in the process of becoming a foster parent and is just starting with "a little respite". Although I warned her that respite is the gateway drug to adoption, she is proceeding anyway. I give her 14 months before she has eight kids pitter pattering around. Go say "hi" and check out those shoes.

You probably know about the peanut butter....

I guess that will do for now, fare thee well until another day.

1 comment:

Melissa Stover said...

when doomsday comes maybe those of us with big families can move in with one of our children :)

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Cast of Characters

  • BOB - Born of the body children
  • BOTH - Born of the heart children
  • Roran aka Big Girl - 18 year old BOB daughter - recently booted from the nest
  • Big Boy - 15 year old BOB son
  • Radical - 9 year old BOB son who fyi is not RAD
  • Felpsy aka lil middle - 4 year old BOTH boy who is RAD and is the cumin in our soup
  • Booger - 4 year old BOTH boy, sib to Felpsy, Twin to....
  • Princess - 4 year old BOTH girl. Diva,