Tuesday, April 22, 2008

...I failed my country.

This morning I got an email of utmost urgency. It was up to me and me alone to save my country from the politicians. You see, Congress is up to no good, and we the people must stop their misdeeds by signing a petition that will go "directly to the president". If I fail to forward that email to "everyone" in my address book the 974 people who have already signed the petition will not have their voices heard. Whatever happens will be my fault, I alone will put the lid on the proverbial handbasket that we are already in and send it straight to hell.

I deleted it. I didn't have W's email address.

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Cast of Characters

  • BOB - Born of the body children
  • BOTH - Born of the heart children
  • Roran aka Big Girl - 18 year old BOB daughter - recently booted from the nest
  • Big Boy - 15 year old BOB son
  • Radical - 9 year old BOB son who fyi is not RAD
  • Felpsy aka lil middle - 4 year old BOTH boy who is RAD and is the cumin in our soup
  • Booger - 4 year old BOTH boy, sib to Felpsy, Twin to....
  • Princess - 4 year old BOTH girl. Diva,