Thursday, September 27, 2007

...of the home stretch.

As it nears the end of September, I only have a few items left on my goals list to be completed. Most have been completed, have no hope of being completed, or can very easily be completed. As a reminder, here are my goals.

Hard to quantify, but definitely feel like it's happened.

Walk, run, or jog 200 miles.
With only four days left I have 29 miles to go. Very doable.

Memorize one verse every week.
Our Jane verse Luke 1:45 Blessed is she who believes what the Lord has said will be accomplished.
2 Timothy 1:17 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but one of power, and of love, and of self control.
2 Timothy 1:12 I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed and am confident that he can guard what I have entrusted to him that day.
One more to go

Get my passport.
Something on todays schedule

Learn a new guitar chord.
I learned the A chord

Sign up for a class.
Also on todays list.

Floss 15 times.
Done. It was easy because I had the pressure of accountability to the four of you who read this. It was purely pride, I have to do this, it's "easy", I requires no supporting documentation and I would hate to fail.

Be in bed by 11:00 five nights in a row. Times three.
Forget everything I just said. I did not get this done. I blame Alexey Pajitov (the creator of Tetris). The spirit is willing, but the flesh is oh so weak.

Have a girlfriend over for lunch.
Done, my bff Linda came over with her daughter and we had bread that I made and pasta that she brought. Yummo.

Try a new recipe.
So done. I made pork lo mein, it turned out great. Beef lo mein, the noodles turned out better than the pork, but the meat wasn't as good as in the pork. I also made pasta primavera. I followed the recipes the first time. Now I can start tweeking.

Go to a movie during the day.
I went to see "The Nanny Diaries" the only people who have a worse job than foster parents. Foster Parents at least don't have to live with the crazy makers.

Kick off the new hometeam and Janes groups.
No, and Yes. The Janes group is coming along nicely. We have an Expo on Sunday, but I already have at least two women who will be joining the group, and expect several more to sign up on Sunday. The hometeam will be an offshoot of the Janes, so we'll see.

So six and a half done. Three that I can easily complete. The passport is iffy. One and a half that I didn't complete. I would count this as a success. Now that I think about it, had I just done one thing to better myself, it would have been a success.

The one thing about making the goals that surprised me was that now that it was written down and a definite goal, not just something I'd like to do one of these days, was the sense of urgency to get it done. No one asked me at anytime during the month if I was flossing, but I wanted to hold myself accountable to anyone who would. Now I'll admit that these were not lofty goals, but they've always been something I'd like to do. Writing them down and giving them a timeline turned the wishes into completed dreams.

Stay tuned for Octobers goal list.

1 comment:

Sohl Gal said...

I love it. I am making a goal list. I'll have mine up in early October. Can you be my accountability partner?!?

Click this and I will send you flair:)

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Cast of Characters

  • BOB - Born of the body children
  • BOTH - Born of the heart children
  • Roran aka Big Girl - 18 year old BOB daughter - recently booted from the nest
  • Big Boy - 15 year old BOB son
  • Radical - 9 year old BOB son who fyi is not RAD
  • Felpsy aka lil middle - 4 year old BOTH boy who is RAD and is the cumin in our soup
  • Booger - 4 year old BOTH boy, sib to Felpsy, Twin to....
  • Princess - 4 year old BOTH girl. Diva,