Monday, November 17, 2008 must have been mistaken

That wasn't me at McDonald's today. That wasn't my kid yellin' for "y'all guys" to "shut up" because he was singing his "Jesus songs". Nope, you must have been mistaken.

That wasn't my little girl interrupting your prayer time to see if your kids wanted to trade Happy Meal toys. That wasn't us.

It wasn't me moving every 15 minutes to stay in the sun. It wasn't. It wasn't me freezing even though I had on long pants, long socks, real shoes, a long sleeve shirt and a jacket.

It wasn't my kid that pointed out to your kid that they'd probably be safer eating with unwashed hands than washing them in the playland restroom. Nope, those kids weren't mine. My kids wouldn't tell your kids that public restrooms are "nasty."

Nope, we stayed home and watched cartoons instead of sitting in a playground and watching the exact same ones that we can't sit still through at home. So, you must have been mistaken.

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Cast of Characters

  • BOB - Born of the body children
  • BOTH - Born of the heart children
  • Roran aka Big Girl - 18 year old BOB daughter - recently booted from the nest
  • Big Boy - 15 year old BOB son
  • Radical - 9 year old BOB son who fyi is not RAD
  • Felpsy aka lil middle - 4 year old BOTH boy who is RAD and is the cumin in our soup
  • Booger - 4 year old BOTH boy, sib to Felpsy, Twin to....
  • Princess - 4 year old BOTH girl. Diva,